The Lost Enchanters

How To Visit Fairyland

"The Gates of Horn" Artwork, by Bernard Sleigh

I am often asked by people how they too might visit Fairyland to meet with the fairies - and there are many answers to this question.

My first and most obvious answer would be to diligently practice my "Beginner's Guide to Faerieland" course (free online) - as well as my "12 Day Course on Clairvoyance" - followed by the 22 Faerie Lessons (Advanced) which are available in my "Guide to Faerieland" book.

I would also recommend practicing the techniques given in my earlier book from 2019, entitled "Faerie Magic".

It is my strong belief that if a person was to seriously follow all of the aforementioned information - they would most assuredly personally visit Faerieland and quite easily communicate with the faerie people.

But for the purpose of this page I am going to provide some briefer descriptions of how you can achieve it.

In summary, there are FIVE main ways to access Faerieland.

1. Sleep/Dreams
2. Visions/Trances/Clairvoyance
3. Astral Projection
4. Jinn Travel
5. Death

Obviously we are not presently interested in the fifth option, but the previous four are all possible to achieve from the comforts of our own homes.

In my opinion, the easiest and most effective way to get there is via trance states and visions. This may sound unappealing at first, if you have not yet experienced the sheer possibilities of truly clear visions.

The realism which is available to the trained mind is an extremely immersive experience which can provide true results, visitations, and previously hidden information to you. Through accessing the faerie worlds through visions, you will unlock new perspectives of this world and the lines between the physical or spiritual dimensions will dramatically blur into one another. Magical and miraculous things will then start to occur in your everyday life as a result of your visionary experiences - and you will perceive undeniably real results in both this dimension and others.

Hugh Mynne writes in "The Faerie Way": "We will learn to see the Faerie realm in detail later in the book. But just now, for a moment, close your eyes, and rest your mind in the space before thought.
In that space, which is referred to in the teachings as a dimensionless point, and whose symbol is a palm tree, is the entrance to Faerieland. Before the mind breaks up the flow of experience into discrete observable quanta, before it pigeonholes every sense-datum into its vast filing system, there briefly arises the shining realm of Faerie."

This then is the first and easiest way to catch some brief glimpses of Faerieland. With this technique you will usually at first only see a few fleeting visions (the first thing I ever saw was simply a pointed ear), which can eventually lead into seeing entire landscapes, beings, etc. This technique though is similar to briefly looking through a window, as opposed to diving deep into the experience.

To achieve a much deeper trance state and experience much more immersive visions then I would most recommend the "Three Doors" technique which is also given in Hugh Mynne's "The Faerie Way" and is quoted directly from that book below:

"Sitting comfortably as before, count your breath. Relax. See before you a lush green meadow. Feel the soft, wet grass on your feet and legs. On the horizon you see a low green mound. You head toward it, feeling a gentle breeze on your face blowing from the direction of the mound. Butterflies flutter in the air before you and you can hear the liquid song of the skylark and the caw of crows. Be aware of all the sights, scents, and sounds of the countryside. As you reach the mound, you notice that it is about sixty feet long. You look around for some means of entrance into its depths. Though you walk around it, looking intently for an opening, you see no way in. Suddenly, however, your eye is drawn to a
circular area in the side of the mound which is a different shade of green. Looking closely, you can see the reason for the change of color. Moss of a deep emerald green is growing amid the grass. Feeling with your fingers, you realize that the circular area is actually a door which swings back if you tug at it.

This is the moss
door. Open it and pass within. Once through the moss door you find yourself in a tunnel of densely packed earth sloping abruptly downward. The tunnel keeps the same circular shape as the door. As you move through this tunnel you notice something peculiar—although there is no visible source of light, it is not totally dark. Light seems to be coming from somewhere, perhaps seeping from the very tunnel walls. After a while this tunnel ends in another circular door, this
one of weathered oak. Strange convoluted patterns are carved in
its surface.

This is the wooden door. Open it and pass within.
Now the tunnel walls are of damp and glistening rock. You see that steam seems to be rising from them, and you are aware of deep subterranean rumbles echoing beneath you. Still there is a faint light which enables you to see. You press on as the tunnel slopes and turns ahead of you. Ahead of you now is a third door, circular like the others and made of white gold. A strange pattern rather like two schematic trees is cut into in its surface. As you look in amazement, the trees seem to move in a sinuous dance. The door itself seems to be melting and moving as if it were white hot. Here you must take your courage in your hands.

This is the metal door. Open it and pass within.
What you will find beyond this third door I cannot tell you.
Faerieland is different for everyone."

This "Three Doors" technique is extremely effective in accessing the faerie worlds through visionary trance states. It is quite surprising how tangible the experience will be for you after visiting in this way.

This technique is given in the book as a means to contact your own personal Faerie Guide - so you may find that one appears for you when practicing it. If you do meet with one, they can personally help you to achieve deeper experiences and teach you new pathways in.

In regards to sleep and dreams, the biggest pitfall is our inability to remember dreams. Many have visited the faerie worlds in their sleep at night and returned like Little Bo-Peep or Little Tuck with little to no accurate recall of what had really taken place. Little Bo-Peep, may only peep a glimpse of the Faerie Queen (Bo = cow, which is one of her many symbolic forms), and may return with many tails/tales from the lands - yet blinded and out of order. Likewise, when we wake from dream, our memories are scattered and confused, and the lands are designed this way to protect their innermost secrets.

It helps considerably to be lucid and conscious in the dream realm, and to train ourselves to lie still when we wake and to remember the dreams we had throughout the night. It is also great for this purpose to keep a dream journal - and to also intend to meet with fairies right before sleeping - as well as throughout the day. If we saturate our minds with these topics enough, we will eventually meet with them there and recall the details - and once we learn to become lucid in that realm, then we can consciously experience their realms/beings.

Tolkien called this "Olórë Mallë" or "The Path of Dreams".

To learn to have lucid dreams is a considerable art in itself, and for this purpose I would most highly recommend Marc Vandekeere's "Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Manual". There is a small and affordable cost - but it is extremely worth it for a literal lifetime's worth of very timeless information about learning to become very lucid in dreams. With this you can learn to access fairy realms and meet with fairies.

In regards to Astral Projection, it is (for me personally) the most difficult of all the techniques - though to others it appears to come much more naturally. I have had personal visitations from fairies however in my own room through these experiences - in very real and tangible forms (especially through both touch and sound). I have heard them laughing, singing songs, and whispering right in my ears - as well as dancing around my room with bells, pulling me out of my body to join them in the astral world, and so forth.

There is a two month course given to achieve this type of experience in Part Four of my Book "Faerie Magic" but it takes diligent and very consistent practice without any laziness to achieve practical results.

A faster and also free option to learn how to successfully travel out of your body - is Robert Peterson's "Out of Body Experiences, How to Have Them, and What to Expect". This is a very powerful resource, written in very clear language - with practical exercises at the end of each individual chapter which gradually build from one another. The first two consciously induced astral experiences I ever succeeded at were using the "Astral Doorway" technique given in Chapter Ten of this same book. I had been practicing a chapter a day, so it therefore took ten days to produce a single result for me. Once you have been able to learn this ability - you can utilize that state and dimension to communicate with faerie beings and travel to their realms astrally.

The most physical and tangible way which is available to us however is the Jinn State. This is comparable to a physical experience, yet still has less laws than the physical realm. As this is a very complicated and intricate/advanced practice - I have dedicated an entire section of this website to it - as it is too vast and detailed to go into just here. If you would like to learn how to Travel in the Jinn State then go here.

In conclusion, one may choose to study/learn how to lucid dream, how to induce trance states, how to astral project, or how to travel into the jinn state by following the information and links provided.

You may also find deeper info on many of these techniques here.

The Three Doors Technique is by far the quickest and easiest practice to learn to produce tangible results, but each of them will take time.

This is why I recommend taking my free online courses, followed by the deeper information/lessons found in the accompanying books - as in this way you are provided with a day by day structure to follow to achieve the most powerful and lasting results.

A Fifth and Hidden Way to experience the equivalent of what might happen at death, without actually physically dying - is associated with a type of Fairy Ointment/Salve and requires a deep knowledge of nature, beyond my capacity to share with confidence - as to get it wrong might prevent a person from returning to this physical world.

Once you have acquired a Faerie Guide though (with the three doors method written above), I would highly recommend beginning in the land of Findias in the South, visiting it first through deep visualization and taking clear notes down of what you see there. This is the realm associated with fire - and it contains a hidden entrance to Faerieland.

To travel there it is good to either sit facing the south, or lie down facing the south - and then relax your whole body methodically - followed by visualizing yourself leaving your body in a spirit form. This is done purely through visualization and you do not need to have a literal astral projection. Try to see the room around you in this new form (with physical eyes remaining closed), and start to get your bearings.

Then rise up to the height of the room and right through the ceiling - all the way up to the sky - looking down on your house and city/town below you. Fly then towards the southern direction - and continue flying onward in a straight line until you feel yourself rapidly crossing lands as though they are a blur. Eventually after some time, and also in using your intuition - you will begin to notice a desert realm before you emerging. My courses will help considerably if you find this type of visualization difficult at first. Especially the clairvoyance course.

Fly down a little lower in the sky once you see the desert and then land down next to a stone archway in the desert which stands right at the entrance of a cluster of adobe houses and ancient buildings. Again, the instructions under "Journey to Finias" found in "The Faerie Way" are a perfect description of what one should do on their first journey in this realm. However, you also can just walk through that archway and find yourself in the very outskirts of the Fire Realms, at a certain marketplace containing both physical and spiritual beings who you can meet and form connections with. It is a central meeting area from which you can acquire much information and direction - if you are intuitively careful about who you communicate with (again why it is best to first have a Faerie Guide).

This is a great place to just start to get used to traveling to the desert realms and to familiarize yourself with some of the earlier pathways.