The Lost Enchanters

Keys to Access the Jinn State

The following writings are excerpted/abbreviated from the works of Samael Aun Weor:

"The devotee must lie down on his left side, resting his head on the palm of his left hand.

The devotee must fall asleep in this position. He must be on guard and aware of his dreams; he must become vigilant of his own dreams. When he begins to see the images of his dreams, he must arise very quietly from the bed holding on to the dream as if it were a precious treasure.

Before the devotee leaves his house, he must make a small jump with the intention of floating within the surrounding atmosphere.

If the devotee, after executing the small jump, floats within the atmosphere, then his physical body has entered into the Jinn State. If he does not float, then it is because he is not in the Jinn State.

When the devotee is in the Jinn State, he can leave his house with courage and confidence; in an instant, the devotee can travel to the most remote places on earth. If the devotee does not enter into Jinn State on the first try, then he must not dismay. Go to bed and repeat the exercise nightly, as many times as necessary, until success is achieved.

There are some devotees who will succeed immediately; these are the fortunate ones who have practiced Jinn Science in ancient reincarnations. Others may have never practiced the science. They must begin practicing pranayama and exercise this practice for many years, until they obtain this power. In reality, this key is just a modification of somnambulism (or sleep walking), it is voluntary yet induced somnambulism.

During dreams, tremendous subconscious energies are functioning. The devotee must take advantage of these energies and control them, like a lever, in order to place the physical body into hyperspace."

Note: "this is the method which I have personally had the most success with and it is not at all required to have to be on your left side specifically - I have accessed the Jinn State on my right side many times. One should also be sure not to cut the blood circulation off when sleeping in the position with the hand under the head - or to cause a painful neck/spine. Experiment with what works best for you. I have found that it can help to sleep in this position due to it subconsciously reminding yourself that you are doing the techniques instead of forgetting and falling asleep, but it is not an absolute necessity.

I often will begin on my left side as suggested and fight the "rollover signal" and any itches or need to swallow for some time (all things which the body does to test whether your mind is asleep yet). One tries not to get lost in any of the dreams or thoughts, observing passively yet consciously. What I tend to do is wait until the "rollover signal" has become near unbearable (after ignoring it for some time first), and then I will rollover to my right side to trick my body into thinking I have given up on the practice and decided to sleep instead. But I will use this moment to pay closer attention than ever - knowing that I am likely to fall asleep within a matter of minutes or less by having waited to that point.

I will therefore remain conscious while very sleepy - and once the dream images soon begin to appear, then I will get up out of the bed smoothly and surely (physically), just as if suddenly getting up in the morning (though without being too harsh in movements). Many times I have missed the opportunity through presuming myself to be more awake than I was, so be very aware of this.

Once the dream images appear, hold on very tight to them, and at the same time - rise from your bed in conscious sleepwalking. Once out of bed then you can take a small jump, and if you float, then you can open your eyes. Any dream imagery will then vanish and you will be free to roam and explore. If you do not float, then return to the bed and try again. It can often happen for me on the third or fourth attempt - though in some ways it gets easier with each try - and when you do successfully achieve it, you will be surprised how simply it works.

The difficult part is getting the precise moment (which is a very small window), but once you find that right moment, the actual process itself is a very easy one to do.

There is a level of willpower involved to rise from bed though, as there can be quite strong programs within us causing a sense of lethargy - though once you get there, it is such a blissful state and world you enter, that it is quite worth the extra effort. When the experience is over you will gently re-materialize back on your bed again, which can sometimes feel like being placed gently back into bed. I have never once had to think about how to get back - the thought has never crossed my mind there because of the fascination associated with this most profound experience, and due to how many beautiful things there are to see and do there.

I have always felt absolutely safe in the Jinn State (though these states are widely unknown and unexplored - and there may be physical danger to the body), though in my own experience I have found it thus far to feel much safer than any astral, out of body, or lucid dream experience that I have had over the years. Many other states can bring full on attacks from entities and a general murkiness or issues with navigating - whereas in the Jinn State I have only ever felt perfect control over the experience (as much as walking around in the physical realm), and true peace." - Jeremy Garner


There exists a nut commonly known as the Deer’s Eye. This nut has marvelous Jinn powers. The devotee must go to sleep while holding this nut. He must place himself in the same position as given in the previous key, while holding this marvelous nut in his right hand. It is very important to remember that this nut has a marvelous elemental genie that can help the devotee to place his physical body in the Jinn State.

During this practice, the devotee must go to sleep pronouncing the mantra INVIA.

Then, the elemental genie will arrive and help him to place his physical body in the Jinn State.

The devotee must rise from his bed, holding on to the sleepy state as if it was solid gold.

Before he leaves his house, he must make a small jump with the intention of floating within the surrounding atmosphere. If the devotee floats, then he can leave his house in the Jinn State. If he does not float, then he must repeat the exercise for as many hours, months, or years that it takes until he achieves victory."

Note: I have also had good success with this method. There really is an elemental genie which comes to visit with this mantra and the deer's eye nut. I pronounce the mantra aloud first and then gradually get quieter as I get sleepier until I am pronouncing it mentally - though I use that moment as a signal to be aware of how close I am towards the dream images appearing. One of the first times I practiced this the genie arrived with what sounded like bells or kalimba-like melodies which played all around my head, before I heard the sound of a door-opening and a goblin sounding voice speaking to me. I was once shouted at "hey, that's my seat!", so as to cause me to suddenly rise up from the bed at that moment in shock, as if I was not meant to be where I was. The genie is very good at assisting in these types of ways so that you will know the precise moment of when to stand up.

It is important to remember that you are not astral projecting or taking your spirit out of your body at these moments, but actually physically moving your body out of the bed. This may potentially be a parallel physical body in a parallel dimension.

The mantra which invokes the elemental genie is of interest here also, not just in its similarity to the Fire Land of “FINDIAS” (the mantra being “INVIA”) but because another so-called “fantasy” land
which the "heavenly creatures" girls (who sadly murdered one of their mothers in the 1950's) from New Zealand could access (both of them could also access a "Fourth World" paradise) was called “Borovnia” which has a similar feel in its word formation (though perhaps said to be a more violent land) – not to mention that they would as well speak about or refer to “heaven” as being “HIHVIN” - which again seems to hold some of these keys and clues in its title. Another term for the Jinn World also sometimes being the “Little Heaven”.

Alternate Explanation

When wanting to visit the garden of delights, the great Egyptian hierophants submerged into profound meditation while holding in their right hand a nut known by the name of "Deer's eye."

The mantra "INVIA" becomes a true invocation. Under this mantra's influence, the elemental of that nut assists. This elemental has the power of placing the physical body in a Jinn state—meaning, to submerge it in the fourth vertical.

When the hierophant felt that his body started to inflate or to be swallow from the feet up to the head, then he comprehended that his body had acquired the Jinn state. Thus he rose from his bed, filled with faith, and submerged into the garden of delights, he transported himself to any place on the Earth through the fourth dimension with the elemental of that nut named "Deer's eye."


"There is a Master of Jinn State named Oguara. He helps anyone who calls him in the name of Christ.

The devotee must lie down in the same position, previously mentioned in key number one and number two. The devotee must call Oguara, the Master of the Jinn State, in the name of Christ, saying:
"In the name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the majesty of Christ, I call you Oguara, Oguara, Oguara. Please place my physical body in the Jinn State."

Or "I believe in God, I believe in Oguara and in all the Genii of the Jinn Science, take me with my physical body to all the Temples of Jinn Science. Oguara! Oguara! Oguara! Carry me.”

The devotee must repeat this invocation continuously until he goes to sleep. The devotee must rise from the bed holding on to his dreams as if they were solid gold. He must then make a small jump, with the intention of floating within the surrounding atmosphere. If he floats, then he is in the Jinn State. If he does not float, then he must return to the bed and repeat the experiment."

"The devotee must sit in front of a table, he must cross his arms, place them on the table and rest his head on his arms. The devotee must invoke the Jinn Masters and ask them for help, so that that they may help him in his practices. He can call upon Babaji, the Yogi Christ of India, or his sister Mataji; there is also Harpocrates, Saint Peter, etc., etc.

When the student begins to dream, he must rise from the chair automatically, instinctively and without thought. He must hold on to his dreams as if they were solid gold. He must then take a long jump, as far as possible, with the intention of floating within the surrounding atmosphere. After the devotee makes this jump, he must mark the exact place on the floor where he landed.

The student must perform this exercise daily, repeatedly and patiently. He must always mark the point on the floor, to measure the length of each jump. This system is marvelous because the student can appreciate his degree of progress in Jinn Science. For example, today the devotee’s jump measured one meter, tomorrow his jump may be one centimeter more than the previous day, and the following day one centimeter more, and so on. Thus, the student is measuring his progress in Jinn Science.

Finally, one day he will discover wondrously, that he has performed an extremely long jump, an incredible jump that no athlete could perform. These are signs that clearly indicate his progress in Jinn Science. Following this incredible jump, the devotee can remain floating in hyperspace. Thus, he has victoriously succeeded. This key is marvelous.

What is important in occultism is to practice. Today, people are tired of theories. It is absolutely necessary to practice occultism now. People who theorize neither practice, nor do they allow others to practice. The student that has not wasted his time theorizing is better off practicing quietly and keeping his progress to himself. He must remain in silence, because this science is very secretive. It is better to remain in silence, therefore, we avoid the mockery and slander of foolish theorists who do not practice or allow others to practice. They are just social parasites."

Note: indeed it is possible to jump much farther in the Jinn State - though unlike in most astral experiences there is not an immediate consistency to float in the air - rather I have generally felt a sense of gravity, though much similar in experience to how an astronaut in space might navigate. One can jump further up and forward before falling to the ground, and there is a bouncy/springy and slightly slower feel. This can be increased and it is possible to fly there, but the natural instinct is to walk or run as we may do in the physical, and this can be mixed in with jumping or in some cases floating/flying.

As one Gnostic Instructor taught me, “We enter the fourth dimension by degrees.
For beginners, it can take time, which is why in the practice you mentioned, one marks how far one jumped, because one is gradually submerging into hyperspace. Experiences in the fourth dimension involve travels within the internal worlds, much like astral projections. However, when you look down at yourself, you will experience a bloating and expansion of the feet and ankles, because the physical body is expanded and penetrated by hyperspace. Jinn science takes the physical body into the internal worlds, to experience many of the same feats as an out of body experience, ie levitation, floating, flying, elasticity, plasticity, going through walls and rocks and mountains, etc.”

He also told me that “With skill, one can become visible to onlookers or invisible, depending upon our ability and familiarity with this state, much in the same manner that one learns to navigate the astral plane. As for personal experiences with Jinn science, we keep that private because that is very sacred.”


"The instant in which the student awakens from his normal sleep, he must jump from his bed without any conscious or subconscious analysis, without the process of theoretical analysis. It must be done instinctively. In other words, he must be ecstatic, full of wisdom and very strong faith, like the steel of the sword that is well tempered and ready for battle.

Upon leaving the house, the student must make a jump. If he floats within the surrounding atmosphere, then his physical body has entered Jinn State. At this point, the student can go wherever he wishes with his physical body in the Jinn State. If he does not float in the surrounding atmosphere, then he must repeat the exercise. With patience we can go very far in these studies.


"Those who know how to travel in their Astral Body can invoke the physical body from afar. The first step the Gnostic must do with this key is to project himself in the Astral Body. When he finds himself far from the physical body he may call upon any of the great Masters of Jinn Science.

The devotee may ask the great Masters to carry his physical body to the Astral plane. He can invoke the Masters Harpocrates, Babaji, Mataji, Saint Peter, Oguara, etc., etc.

He must beg in the name of Christ, he must ask by the power of Christ, he must beseech by the majesty of the Christ.

The Genii of the Jinn State will then take the physical body from the bed and will bring it to the devotee who is asking for it. Prior to the arrival of the physical body, many bubbles will appear to the devotee. The final bubble is red, behind this red bubble comes the physical body in the Jinn State. When the physical body is near the student, he feels as though his shoulders are very heavy.

The emotion that the student experiences when the physical body is in front of him is tremendous. The greatest surprise comes to him when he discovers that his physical body also has consciousness and will respond to his questions.

In such moments, the devotee must dominate all of his emotions and control his mind so that he does not ruin the experiment. If the devotee lets himself be driven by his emotions, then the physical body and the devotee will instantly return to the bed and the experiment will be ruined.

Alternate Version
"For those who find it difficult to leave with the physical body from the bed, they can do it in a different way: tend first to leave at will, in the astral, right? Taking advantage of the transition state between wakefulness and sleep. And when you are between asleep and awake, you get up "gently" from the bed, put your feet on the ground and stand up, get up. If one goes back to look at what was left, there on the bed: the body was left. But one has to take advantage of the transition state between wakefulness and sleep. Then one “projects” oneself, as we say, “in the astral.” Thereafter, if one wants to carry one’s physicality, then withdraw from the physical body, walk out in the astral, but call your physical body. Call it, call it! “Physical body, come, come behind me, walk behind me; come, physical body, obey me!” One solution is to concentrate there, on that physical body. Then, your physical body gets up and comes after you, without knowing at what time that body penetrates inside your astral, thus, the physical body has already stayed within you in the fourth vertical."


"One can place the physical body in a Jinn State with the egg.

A small orifice must be made on the endmost pointed part of the egg. Then, the yolk and the white part of the egg have to be taken out through that orifice.

The egg must be slightly warmed up in boiling water before making the orifice.

The disciple must paint the egg a blue color.

That empty shell must be placed next to our bed. The disciple will fall asleep while imagining to be inside, within the egg.

In those instants one must invoke the God Harpocrates, by pronouncing the following mantra:


Then, the God Harpocrates will carry the disciple within the egg. The disciple will feel a great itchiness or rash on his body.

The disciple will feel himself uncomfortable, because he will have that uncomfortable position with which the pigeon, while inside of an egg, is represented. However, the disciple must not complain, because the God Harpocrates will transport him to any far away place. The God will open the egg and will leave him there.

In the beginning, the student will only transport himself in his Astral Body. Later on the student will transport himself with his body in the Jinn State. This is a matter of much practice and tenacity.

The Jinn States permit us to perform all of these marvels. The Guru Litelantes showed me in a practical way how a physical body while in Jinn State can assume distinct forms, such as enlarging and shrinking itself by will.

Indeed, official science does not completely know about the physical body, but only about its purely primary or elementary aspects.

The scientists totally ignore that the physical body is plastic and elastic. Official anatomy and physiology are still in an embryonic state.

Alternate Version

The egg has special powers that allow us to place the physical body in the Jinn State. Procedure: The disciple will slightly boil an egg in water; in other words, he will cook it for a very short time. Thereafter, he will make a hole in the egg on the narrow, conical side, then by means of a very thin device, he will extract the yoke and white. The shell of the egg possesses the powers of the God Harpocrates.

The forces of HAR PO CRAT IST are a variant of the Christic forces.

Sequentially, the disciple will place the eggshell on the bed next to his head; then the disciple will imagine himself inside that shell. The disciple will invoke HAR PO CRAT IST and will ask Harpocrates to transport him with his physical body to whatever place the disciple wishes to go. Thus, while keeping the slumber state as a somnambulist, the disciple must get up and hold the eggshell, and then he will leave his bedroom while saying: "Harpocrates, help me, because I am leaving with my physical body."

This is how the disciples of our Gnostic groups will place their physical body within the internal worlds. This is how disciples will know the great mysteries without the necessity of damaging their minds with the theories and sterile discussions of spiritualist schools.

There are enchanted lakes, Jinn lakes; likewise, there are mountains, temples, towns, and cities in the Jinn State.

Before exiting the house, one must jump as far as one can, and mark the exact spot where one lands from the jump.

On the following night, one repeats the experiment in the same place, trying to surpass the previously recorded mark. Remember, one needs to keep drowsiness like a treasure, because Jinn powers are based on drowsiness and very intense faith.

One must keep a daily record of the landing marks of the daily jumps. Thus, in this way, by persevering for days, months or years, one finally succeeds. The progressive increase of the distance of the jump is an evident sign of great progress, since this demonstrates that one is entering the Jinn state little by little. Afterwards, the disciple will perform jumps of three, four, or more meters in length. To keep this tenacity is very important, because this is the only way for one to triumph.

Finally, one day, the disciple will truly manage to sustain himself in space, beyond the normal limit; this is when his physical body will be in the Jinn state. Then, people will not be able to physically see him, because his body will become invisible, since while in Jinn state, the body—without losing its physiological characteristics—submerges itself in the internal worlds and becomes subject to the laws of the supersensible worlds, namely levitation, elasticity, plasticity, porosity, etc. This is a modification of somnambulism; it is voluntary and cognizant somnambulism.

The energies of sleep and faith are remarkable. This is how we can receive the teachings directly in the internal temples."

Deeper Explanation
"The devotee must sit at a table and cross his arms, placing them on the table; while resting his head on his arms, he must willingly fall asleep. The student must relax his mind by emptying it from any type of thoughts until it is blank. Thereafter, imagine the slumber state (that precedes the dreaming state); identify with it and fall asleep. When the student feels that he is slumbering, he should get up from his chair (but keep the slumber state as if he was a somnambulist) and attempt a long jump, as far as possible, with the intention of submerging himself within Hyperspace (with his physical body). Thereafter with a pencil, he must mark the exact spot on the floor where his foot landed. As the student practices this exercise, he will notice that each time the length of the jump is longer and longer. Finally, the day will arrive in which he will perform a jump that is beyond average. This will give the student joy because it will indicate that his physical body is now penetrating into Hyperspace. Finally, constancy, patience, willpower and tenacity will grant triumph to the student; thus, on any given day the student will definitively sustain himself with his physical body in Hyperspace. With his physical body he will penetrate into the internal worlds; he will be in “Jinn State.” Then within a few moments, he will be able to transport himself to any place on earth. He will become an investigator of the superior worlds."


"The disciple who wants to travel with his physical body within the Astral Plane must enchant his body. The disciple must get sleepy by pronouncing the mantra:

"To the Little Heaven, Philip

To the Little Heaven, Philip

To the Little Heaven, Philip

This is a type of voluntary somnambulism, a modification of somnambulism. What is needed is a lot of faith and tenacity until achieving success. 

If you love Philip, then when you are dozing meditate on him. Exclude from your mind any other thought, and when you feel in your soul the joy of his presence, speak the following ritual sentence,

“To heaven, Philip!”

Then, with a steady and firm step come out of your bedroom and with force submerge yourself into the twilight zone.

Let us remember that within us exist the twelve Apostles whom the Christian Bible talks about; they are within ourselves here and now. Let us remember therefore that within our interior the famous Apostle Philip also exists, the one who baptized the eunuch, and that when they were come up out of the water, unexpectedly, as a stormy hurricane, the spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and disappeared.

That Philip has powers over the physical form, which as I said, is a crystallized mental form. If somebody has faith in Philip, that one will be able to put his physical body into the fourth dimension...

Understand, I am not addressing the historical Philip. I am not addressing that serene mystic that appeared and disappeared as by dint of a magical enchantment. What I am addressing is the internal Philip, given that the twelve apostles, the twelve fundamental parts of our Being, are within ourselves and one of those parts is named Philip.

Thus, if someone invokes his Self, that is, if someone invokes his own Philip in the moment of dozing, that one will attain extraordinary prodigies. It would be enough to get up from their bed in the opportune moment, in the moments in which one feels "fat," "obese;" in the moments in which one is in a state of extraordinary spiritual voluptuousness and with faith in Philip, one gets up, one would immediately enter the Garden of Hesperides, the Garden of Delights, the Terrestrial Paradise.

But it is necessary to comprehend that the physical body is a machine, a mental form that can be used in order to pass from one dimension to another. When one accepts that the body is a mental form, then that mental form obeys. But as long as we are identified with that mental form, as long as we believe that the physical body is as it appears to be, obviously it will never be possible to enter the lands of One Thousand and One Nights, where the Tuatha Dé Danann and all of those ineffable beings of ancient times majestically live.

So I repeat the clue: lay down with your head towards the north. Afterwards, concentrate on Philip. Ask him to place you into the fourth dimension. Become drowsy a little bit, and when you feel the body full of extraordinary spiritual voluptuousness, when you feel as if you are "fat," as if you are "inflated," get up from your bed, begging Philip to take you to the sacred land of the ancients, to the Lost Paradise of Milton, to the Garden of Hesperides, where the rivers of pure water of life spring forth milk and honey; to the extraordinary region where the princes and princesses of fire, of air, of the waters and earth live..."

Note: It is mentioned here to have the head towards the North but I have achieved success with my head to the South - so one should not feel limited by these details.


"We, the Gnostics, can enter with flesh and bones into the other world any time we want to do so. Therefore, whosoever wants to enter into the other world in order to know and visit it with the body of flesh and bones, very well dressed with hat and fashionable shoes as when someone enters a garden party, then I give the clue:

1. Lie down on the side of your heart, with your head rested over the palm of your left hand.

2. You must become sleepy.

3. Reject from your imagination every type of dreaming and mental images.

4. Concentrate only and exclusively in the process of the dream.

5. When you feel that you are “asleep,” then perform the following movements:

Sit on your bed. However, when you make this movement of sitting, do it with a lot of carefulness, in such a way that you will not awake. In other words, preserve your dreaming state, because the power is within the dream.

Stand on the floor with your feet, with the same carefulness of not awakening, because the power is within the dream.

Perform a little jump with the intention of floating in the other world.

If you do not float, then lie down and repeat the experiment again.

There exist people who after having received this clue perform this experiment immediately. Yet, other people take weeks, months and even entire years in order to perform what others can do immediately after learning the clue. Everything depends upon the degree of evolution of every one. This is what is called in occultism “Jinn State.”

The powerful, energetic forces of the subconsciousness are the ones which take the physical body out from the chemical-physical region and place it within the Astral Plane. This is how the physical body abandons the law of gravity and this chemical region in order to penetrate within the Astral Plane, where the laws of levitation reign.

As the smoke of the chimney is mixed with the atmosphere without confusion, in the same way these two worlds, Astral and physical, are mixed and they are interpenetrated without confusion. Therefore, everything that I say can be confirmed by all those people who have the kindness of listening to me and have faith.

Nevertheless, I am sure that the thousands of readers from this XX century will mock these clues, because the people from this century only want to cohabit and get money, more money and a lot more money. Therefore, this book is not for the barbarians of this XX century. This book is for the luminous humanity of Aquarius.

Those who perform this secret in order to enter with their physical bodies into the Astral Plane will transport themselves to the most far away places of the earth in a few seconds, because time and space do not exist within the Astral Plane. There, everything is an eternal “now,” an eternal present.


"The following is a very special magical formula:

   I believe in God.
I believe in my Mother Nature.
I believe in White Magic.
My Mother, take me with my body.

This prayer must be prayed thousands of times in the instants when we want to sleep.

Nonetheless, it is important not to forget a common saying that states, “Strike with thy rod while thou beg to thy God.”

When slightly asleep, get up from your bed while begging, and then jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding environment. Have faith even the size of a grain of mustard seed, and you might move mountains.

If you do not achieve floating, go back into your bed again and repeat the experiment.

Many are those who triumph immediately, and others persevere months and even entire years in order to attain their entrance into the Jinn paradises...


"How does the physical body get into the fourth vertical? Well, it's a matter of having a little bit of faith, ladies and gentlemen, faith... One lies down on the left side, one puts one's head there, on the palm of the left hand; then one focuses on Harpocrates, but you have to know how to call him. One says: har-po-crat-is, (pronouncing the “h”) with full concentration on Harpocrates (they say he is a deity who handles a variant of the Christic force).

If one invokes Harpocrates..., I'm going to write here how the Harpocrates mantra is pronounced: see it! (he writes on the board) this is how it's pronounced: look at it! Do not stop taking the respective note. Har-po-crat-is.

One concentrates, invoking Harpocrates, but profoundly, and then, when one already feels that one's body is itching a lot, one does not scratch it, because if one scratches one’s body, the experiment is damaged. You have to lie on the left side and in the way that the chicks are inside the egg, in the shell. You have to do it in that way, and you get very good success...

It is convenient, for example, to put a shell (one of those egg shells) on top of the “desk," painted blue. But, for that, a magical operation must be carried out: the pointed side of an egg is cut, so that the yolk and the white are removed, but, before doing this operation, the egg is passed through warm water, to warm it; then yes, the pointed side of the egg is cut, the yolk and the white are removed, then it is painted blue, it is placed on the “desk," thus, immediately, yes, to imagine, to see with the imagination that one is inside that shell, and one’s body must take the form of the chick inside the shell, and well concentrated in Harpocrates, which is a deity, an angel of light.

Listen, you are not going to confuse him with a midnight harpy. No, sir, he is an angel of light.

So, then, well focused on Harpocrates, when you begin to feel "itchy", don't scratch yourself, because scratching damages the experiment; do you get it? one does not scratch one’s body. So then, when one begins to see one’s body a little "half inflated", like swollen, it is the sign that one’s body is already entering the fourth dimension. Seeing your body like this, gently sit up on the bed. One sits gently, with the feet on the ground, one stands up. And standing up, take a long jump, with the intention of floating. If your body floats in the surrounding environment, it is because you have already achieved it, your physicality is already in the fourth dimension. Thus, with your physicality already in the fourth dimension, you can travel wherever you want; notwithstanding, you are only prohibited from taking your physical body to other planets (this is an inviolable factor). So, content yourself with traveling within the planet Earth, do not try to violate laws.

You can travel, for example, to the magical cities founded by the Tuatha de Danann. In Europe there are magical cities; The Mayans, in Yucatan, have other magical cities, and instructions can be received there. You can also travel to the Chapultepec temple in Mexico. Nonetheless, I do not assure you that they will allow you to enter. You must knock at the door, to see if they allow you to enter; you just fulfill with knocking. If they let you in, fine, and if they don't let you in, then accept it! Since by not letting you in, you realize that you still have to work a lot on yourselves, that you have to dissolve the animal ego; that's clear. This is called, then, traveling with the physical body in a jinn state, such state is extraordinary...

Note: while it is supposedly true that one cannot tend to travel to other planets in this state (as they might do in their astral bodies), it is possible to contact aliens or extraterrestrial beings in this state and be taken on their ships. Whether this may also imply an ability to travel to other planets with these beings or not, is presently unknown to myself - but I have personally been taken up on a flying saucer with alien beings in this dimension - in a very physical-like way (as real as being here). These beings flew me over deserted landscapes upon the earth itself - which had the appearance of another planet, but it was technically still on planet earth that they took me - though we flew to great heights to get there. I consider based on this that there is an immense possibility that if they had wished - they might have also taken me to another planet - though according to Aun Weor, it is not advised.


  "1. With tranquility, the mystic must lie down on a bed.
2. Ask the Lamb for the assistance of an angel that specializes in the “Jinn” science.
3. The mystic must beseech the angel and the immolated Lamb to be taken with the physical body into the superior worlds.
4. We, the brothers and sisters of the temple, advise you to invoke the angel Harpocrates who is a specialist in the “Jinn” science. Beg the Lamb, beseech him to send the angel Harpocrates to you.
5. Release all thoughts from your mind; clear your mind. It is necessary for you to place your mind in quietude and tranquility.
6. You must provoke sleep. Let yourself fall asleep without thoughts.
7. While conserving your sleep like a precious treasure, rise from your bed and leave your bedroom.

If the practice has been performed well, then your body will enter the “Jinn” state, meaning that it will submerge within the supra-sensible worlds.

A body in the “Jinn” state can float in the air (Laghima) or be submerged within the waters (Prakamya), or pass through fire without being burned, or be reduced to the size of an atom (Anima), or be enlarged to the point of touching the sun or the moon with the hand (Mahima).

A body submerged within the supra-sensible worlds is submitted to the laws of those worlds. Then, this body is plastic and elastic, so it can change form, decrease its weight (Laghima), or increase its weight (Garima) willingly.

The Yogi of Benares was able to submerge himself within the waters for six months because he was first placing his body in the “Jinn” state.

Some devotees who were practicing meditation in order to place the physical body in “Jinn” state were feeling the sensation of being enlarged or inflated like a balloon. If those devotees would have risen from their beds in those moments when they were feeling that sensation, then they would have had the joy of entering into the “Jinn” state.

When Jesus was walking upon the waters of the Sea of Galilee, he had his body in the state of “Jinn.”

Peter was able to liberate himself from chains and to leave prison, thanks to the assistance of an angel who helped him place his body in the state of “Jinn.”

THIRTEENTH KEY (to shapeshift) and Deeper Explanations
"In Jinn State, a body can shapeshift easily. Circe shapeshifted men into pigs; legend states that Apuleyus shapeshifted himself into an Ass. To manage shapeshifting the following Latin Mantras are used: “EST SIT, ESTO, FIAT.

Only while in a Jinn State can we adopt any type of shapeshifting."

To enter the Jinn State: when the devotee feels more asleep than awake, when he feels his body is weak and full of lassitude, when he feels drowsy with sleep, when he is already beginning to dream, he should get out of bed keeping his sleep as a miser guards his treasure. All power is in sleep. In these moments, terribly powerful forces are at work that raise the vibration level of the physical body, accelerating the movement of the atom to astonishing speeds. Then the physical body enters the Jinn state, penetrates hyperspace. If the student jumps with the intention of floating, he will notice with surprise that he can fly. In this state he is invisible to the physical world. When the physical body is entering the Jinn state, it begins to inflate, beginning from the bottom (at the ankles) to the top.

Properly stated, the physical body does not really inflate, rather, the Astral forces fully co-penetrate it, giving it the appearance of being inflated."

Note: as strange as the following technique may sound - I can assure that the cow or sacred cow as Divine Mother is most definitely the symbol for the Faerie Queen or Divine Mother of Faerieland, and I am quite sure this author knew just what he was talking about when he drew the parallels to the Jinn State. This is a sacred symbol which I have written extensively about in my "Guide to Faerieland" book.

"The five-legged cow is the guardian of the lands and temples of the Jinn. The Prakriti, the Divine Mother, develops within the Solar Man the power which permits him to enter into the lands of the Jinn, into their palaces, temples, into the gardens of the Gods.

The only thing that separates us from the land of Jinn enchantments and marvels is a great stone that we must learn how to move.

Kabbalah is the science of the cow (vaca); by reading the three syllables of the word Kabbalah in reverse, we have (la baka) la va-ca. [Editor: Spanish for “cow]

The stone of Kaaba at Mecca, read in reverse, is (baka) vaca (Cow) or the stone of the cow. The great sanctuary of Kaaba is really the sanctuary of the cow.

The Prakriti in man is fecundated with the sacred fire and becomes the five-legged sacred cow.

Sura 2:73 of the Koran is marvelous; it talks about the members of the cow as something extraordinary, capable of even resurrecting the dead, or in other words, lunar men (intellectual animals), in order to lead them to the primeval light of the solar religion.

We, Gnostics, adore the sacred cow: we worship the Divine Mother.

With the help of the sacred five-legged cow, we can enter the temples of the Gods with the physical body in the Jinn state.

If the student meditates profoundly on the five-legged cow, on the Divine Mother, and implores her to place his physical body in the Jinn state, he can succeed. The important thing is to arise from bed without losing drowsiness, like a somnambulist.

The placing of the physical body in the fourth dimension is something extraordinary, something marvelous, and this is only possible with the help of the sacred five-legged cow.

We need to totally develop the sacred cow within ourselves in order to accomplish the marvels and the prodigies of the Jinn science.

The Divine Mother is very close to her child. She is within the very Innermost of each of us, and it is of Her, precisely of Her, that we must ask for help during the difficult moments of existence."

"If placing your body of flesh and bones within the fourth dimension is a very arduous task for you, if in spite of having done the effort you have not achieved it yet, then bathe yourself daily with aromatic herbs, and before falling asleep call the “Seven Potencies” so that they may assist in preparing your physical body.

Then, after your body is prepared, work again with the secrets, which we have taught you in order to travel with your physical body through the fourth dimension.

One needs to have faith in the Seven Potencies. The Seven Potencies are not the Seven Spirits before the Throne. They are seven Masters who can prepare your body. Ask and it shall be given to you, knock and it shall be opened to you."

Q. “Could you explain to me how to enter the fourth dimension with the body of flesh and bone? I would like to see these goblins, those elementals, and if you have the procedure, teach it to me, please.”

Samael Aun Weor. “I have the clue and procedures. Thus, I will gladly teach you one among many. First of all, it is convenient for you to know that Nature is not something unconscious, as many people suppose. Nature is indeed Mother Nature and she disposes formidable psychic powers, which we can utilize in order to voluntarily,
consciously, and positively enter into the fourth dimension.

You must lay down on the side of your heart, with your head resting over the palm of your left hand. You must intensely concentrate on Mother Nature, then beseech her, ask her, beg her with phrases issued from your heart, with simple phrases, for her to transport you, for her to carry you into the fourth dimension towards any given forest, towards any given place in nature that is nearby.

Then, when you begin feeling
your legs and arms in a state of lassitude, when you begin
getting sleepy, then, feeling yourself in that state of somnolence and filled with intense faith, get up from your bed while saying: My mother, in the name of Christ I beg you to
take me with my body to such place” (say the place you wish to go).

I advise you, my good friend, before going to the
street, perform a little jump with the intention of floating within the surrounding environment, in order to verify that you are
within the fourth dimension. So work with this technique, and when you achieve success, then you will be in the world of the fourth dimension, with all the elemental creatures from Nature.”